With the assistance of charitable donations, as well as partnerships with other non-profit and community entities, YOUTH R.I.S.E. aims to contribute to the development of our youth in efforts to better the community, affect more equitable situations for those from diverse cultures, and encourage resiliency and leadership in our youth.
With youth from all backgrounds and facing a multitude of obstacles, ranging from single-parent households, low incomes, and residing in high crime communities, as well as emotional and behavioral challenges, we are fully vested in our kids' lives providing mentorship, structure, guidance, support, and direction.
Other ways to support:
Help one player participate in the soccer program for a year.
Supporters can buy/sell items and the proceeds will go directly to Youth R.I.S.E. Visit www.theripple.net today.
Donate items that can help the kids in our program.
Donating without spending any extra money may sound too good to be true but if you’re already an Amazon shopper, then welcome to AmazonSmile.
For more information about donations or volunteer opportunities, please contact us at info@youthrisekc.com
Check via mail
620 W 26th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
By Text:
text the code "YOUTHRISE"
to 44-321