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Continuing the Momentum
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Youth RISE KC Ann Murphy

Youth R.I.S.E. mentors and provides support to youth between the ages of 9 and 22 years of age. At this age, kids require the assistance and support of someone who can take the time to coach them on how to rationalize the challenging decisions that could easily affect their futures.

While many participants are initially attracted to our program through the game of soccer and its camaraderie, they are also drawn to the attention they receive in the form of tutoring in basic school subjects and community service activities we engage in as a group.

Soccer Program:

Our soccer program currently consists of boys teams (9 to 22 year olds) with players representing 24 different nationalities and various schools in the area.

Mentorship Program:

Mentors are matched with youth (9 to 22 year old) to focus on building relationships and improving their academic achievement.


Internship Program:

Selected individuals are given the opportunity to serve within their community and gain experiences in various realms of nonprofit work and mentorship.

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